So we had a rough beginning with London. She was very different than Reagan - and still is - in volume. Reagan was sleeping through the night at 3 months in her own room. London...well, she's still not sleeping through the night and I finally just moved her out of our room last week. For the first little while London would go from 0 to 10 in crying/screaming without warning. She's doing much better now and is a very happy baby. She's so easy to make smile and Larry, Reagan and I love her so much. What a great addition to our family.
So here are some pictures. I'll try to give you a quick idea of her growth over the past 3-ish months. She's a lot bigger than Reagan was. She weighs 19.9 oz (Reagan weighs 24lbs), is tall, and she and Reagan wear the same size diaper. Ha. It's good fun.