
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, December 11, 2009

So too much has happened in the last 2 months for me to try and update at the moment. So, I'll try and get back to the computer soon.
Larry and I went back last month for my regular checkup and our doctor kindly did a free quick ultra sound to check the baby's sex again. So, it's definitely, maybe a girl. I'll try and get the pictures on here. She's pretty sure it's a girl, and the other ultrasound tech said she's pretty sure. So, we're taking both those "pretty sure"s and combining it to make a positive. Her name is Reagan Elizabeth Thorpe. I'm getting nervous as the time draws closer because i totally don't feel prepared at all, but it'll be all good, right???
So on a different note - i am officially a resident of Pine Canyon Utah. Last night for dinner i made spaghetti! I know, "Why does that make you a resident of PC?" you ask. Well, I've made spaghetti many times but this time i made it with DEER MEAT! One of Larry's friend gave us some deer meat from this last hunt. I'm grateful for the meat despite my newness to it. It tasted a bit different, but not too bad.
Well I'll try to update soon. It's time to get ready for our ward Christmas party -where 3 of my piano students are performing.


  1. Definitely maybe? Exciting!!
    Don't you live in Tooele? Is Pine Canyon the county?

  2. girls are a lot of fun! lots of drama, but very fun. and i love the name. i can't wait to see ya all.

  3. correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought pine canyon was to tooele as elk grove is to sacramento (although if you go by population, you probably want to compare it to wilton and herald). aren't new experiences fun? i can't wait to see you and your expanding guts, eileen!

  4. oh, and this is really katie. not shaun. shaun doesn't read people's blogs.
