
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

That's all i can stands and i can't stands no more!

I'm tired of sickness in this house!!!!!

Ok, so i shouldn't be complaining as i don't think Reagan is really sick, but I sure got sick with the flu this last weekend. Happy Easter. It was miserable and I don't wish to repeat it. Larry is feeling not too shabby so I'm also grateful for that. But really. How do you take care of a baby when it's 3am she's crying because she's hungry and you're puking your guts out in and all over the bathroom. (Sorry. too much info. But really, I'm sorry for Larry who had to clean it up. Yuck!) Well, today I'm feeling much better, so Yee-Haw.


  1. That's no fun! Ethan was doing the same thing Easter morning. And Loren was yesterday. :( I've actually had a sick family for awhile as well. Anyway. We're heading to the farm tomorrow so maybe we can stop by. Will you be home? I'll let you know what's up. :) Your little girl is adorable! Ethan was really chunky. Now that he's walking around everywhere he's not so much.

  2. That sucks! I'm so sorry. Somehow baby and mom both manage when momma's sick. It's weird but I don't think I've ever had the flu while still nursing. That's surly a tricky one.
