
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

what a girl

Seriously. Where does she get it from?

I got Reagan up from her nap yesterday and while I was walking around picking stuff up around the house she came out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where I was looking like this. She had gotten into my drawers in my bathroom and decked herself all out. She's so funny. Later on she grabbed a "phone" (an air conditioning remote) and walked around talking on it while holding her blanket. She usually uses my sponge curlers for her bracelets but today here she opted for the rubberband look. What a fashionista.

So last night I finally got her some real dress up bracelets and necklace. She's so cute.

And yes i need a new camera. I take all my pictures on my phone and when the blasted thing finally focuses (which is not always) she has looked away. Thus none of her pictures are her smiling or really looking happy. Sigh. Someday.