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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Oh my crazy dreams

So, since I've been pregnant i've had some weird dreams. It seems more difficult to sleep and when i do i dream of the most random stuff. So last night i had a dream that i was over at grandma seavers house (which really wasn't her house by the way) and all the family was there. Dad and i were talking about the commercialism of Christmas in the car on the way there while looking at all the decorations. Well, we get there and at first it's just dad, grandma and i but then soon enough all the family shows up. I've realized that i've done most of the christmas shopping but haven't completed it and haven't even wrapped all the gifts as mom was bringing them out. STRESSFUL!!! Then i realized i hadn't even gotten larry a present yet. I got mom a wallace and gromit calendar which brent thought was his, got brent something retarded (which i can't remember), and didn't even get my husband anything. my goodness i was stressed. Well, soon enough i started to listen to the music in the backround and it was "Good Kind Wenceslas" and i got so home sick. I was at home, but at the same time i just had the yearning to be home for christmas. In the process of trying to wake up, still feeling stressed about getting my christmas shopping done, I started looking at my calendar trying to figure out when i could come home for christmas. My goodness. I think I need more sleep.
So, now that I'm in the Christmas mood and I have been having a Disneyland craving so bad i can't stand it, I thought I'd change my music to some fun mix of festive music. Enjoy.
Oh, and emily, this is for you. Hopefully by Christmas I can learn the dance!


  1. Heck YA! too funny. ya know what i think. I think you could just get back from Disneyland and still have Disneyland cravings.

  2. thats a much better dream than I had when I was pregnant. I won,t go any further except to say that they were usually nighmers I can,t find a spell check so sorry for the spelling

  3. I had wierd dreams when I was pregnant too! Congrats with everything, by the way. Getting married, being pregnant... boy, how time flies.
