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Saturday, August 29, 2009

This past week...or more

So, for all those sitting on the edge of there seats in anticipation...I cut my hair. Last Saturday I went to Ogden to see Whitney (the chick that cuts my hair) and visit with Sister Tana Hall. I can't remember her real last name now. whoops. My hair doesn't quite look like how i wanted it, but it works and only takes me a minute to do. Quite nice.

Also that last Saturday Larry finished putting in our new sprinkler system in the front yard. It's really nice and makes it easy to water our lawn. I'm excited to landscape someday. Next we're going to put in sprinklers in the backyard so we can plant some sod. Eventually we want to be able to use our backyard and have our children play on grass - rather than horrible weeds that i won't even go out in. I don't know how i did it when i was younger. I remember going out with my sisters BAREFOOT and playing in our backyard full of weeds. I guess i was a lot tougher then. ~ But, Larry did a great job digging the trenches by hand, pulling out more tree root and laying it all down.

Last Sunday we didn't have church meetings because instead they had a temple dedication broadcast for the Oquirrh Hill temple. So, after the first session Larry, his parents and i went to some old mining towns and were able to see the old mine shafts. On the way there I saw my first Mormon Cricket. Quite a nasty big bugger.In Eureka we saw one of Porter Rockwell's homes that had been relocated there. But i guess he had quite a bit of homes that he would travel to in the area. It was lots of fun until on the way home i got really sick. I almost made it home but instead in front of our local golf course we had to pull over so i could...well, get rid of my food. I bet the golfers all thought that was really fun to watch. Oh well.


  1. Wheres the pic of your hair? also, its hard to read cause its in white.

  2. Yes I agree with Anna .. . need some pics and we can't read your stuff. Also I know you have prego brain but it's the Oquirrh MOUNTAIN templ . . .not a hill. They might be slightly offended you called it a hill. Maybe it's like the movie "The Englishman who wnt up a hill but came down a Mountain" Or something to that effect. Cute little movie when your sick and there is nothing good to watch. Hope you're feeling better.

  3. I want to see a picture of your hair too! And your face.
    I'm sending good vibes to you...hoping you feel better soon!
